Vitamins: Vitamins are organic molecules required for metabolic reactions. These are classified into two types. They are 1. Fat soluble Vitamins- A,D,E,K 2.Water soluble Vitamins- B,C
Vitamin Chemical Name Food Sources Deficiency Diseases A Retinol Milk, Night Blindness, Eggs,Fish,Butter,Cheese Skin dryness and Liver B1 Thiamine Legumes ,whole grain, Beri -beri nuts B2 Riboflavin Egg , milk, cheese, Inflammation of nuts,bread products tongue, sores in the corners of the mouth B3 Niacin or Meat,fish, pea nuts, Skin disease,diarrhea, Nicotinic acid whole grain depression,dementia B5 Pantothenic Eggs, liver, dairy Fatigue,muscle acid products cramp, Pellagra B6 Pyridoxine Organ meats, cereals, Anaemia, kidney stones, corn nausea,depression B12 Cyanocobalamin Meat ,fish Pale skin, constipation,fatigue C Ascorbic acid Oranges, tomatoes, Scurvy ,anaemia sweet and white potatoes D Calciferol Direct sunlight,fishoils, Rickets,osteomalacia eggs E Tocopherol Vegetable oils, olive Neurological problems,problems tomatoes, of reproductive almonds,meat, eggs system. K Phylloquinone Soyabeans,green leafy Failure to clot blood or vegetables, dairy Napthoquinone products, meat